Recently, I read about SQL Developer extensions for Eclipse from Kris Rice's weblog.
I am giving the contents of his blog posting. I would like to post the contents, rather than giving link. The reason is the link may break and we may loss this information.
Thanks to Kris Rice.
Want to write an extension to SQL Developer but you only use Eclipse? There's a post on the forum about how to use Eclipse to write an extension to sql developer so I figured I'd put it here so it's not lost into the of the forum.
This is actually quite easy to setup. This can be checked by running the shell script with a -x, so bash -x sqldeveloper. This will show what is being executed
First make a run/debug configuration.
1. Main Tab
* Main Class: oracle.ideimpl.Main
* Check the Include libraries when searching for a main class checkbox
2. Arguments Tab
* The paths in the VM arguments should be adjusted to your specifics. Also if there is a space in the paths they will have to quoted like "C:\Document and Settings\sqldeveloper...."
* VM Arguments: -Dide.product=oracle.sqldeveloper -Dide.splash.screen=raptor-splash.gif -Xverify:none -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Dice.browser.forcegc=false -Dice.pilots.html4.tileOptThreshold=0 -DEDITOR_J2SE_VERSION=1.5 -DINSIGHT_OMIT_HIDDEN=true -Doracle.xdkjava.compatibility.version=9.0.4 -Dide.debug.controller.stack=false -Dide.extension.cpmissing.nowarn=true -Dcompiler.vmargs=-mx512m -Djbo.debugoutput=silent -Djbo.showdebugwarningbanner=false -Dide.config_pathname=/home/klrice/sqldeveloper/jdev/bin/sqldeveloper.conf -Dide.startingcwd=/home/klrice/sqldeveloper/jdev/bin -Dide.user.dir=/tmp
* Working directory: choose Other . Then enter the path to /jdev/bin
3. Classpath Tab
* Add the following ( all paths are relative to )
* /ide/lib/ide.jar
* /ide/lib/javatools.jar
* /ide/lib/xmlparserv2.jar
* /ide/lib/help4.jar
* /ide/lib/share.jar
* /ide/lib/javax-ide.jar
Now the run configuration is setup and ready to use. You should now be able to run and debug an extension.
Posted by kris.rice at May 3, 2006 03:40 PM
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