Wednesday, May 17, 2006

JavaOne 2006 - Day1

I am attending JavaOne 2006 at Mascon Center, San Frascisco,CA. Today is my first day. This conference will end on May,20,2006. This is my first conference. It is very nice experience. I came here on Saturday night and register myself on Monday,15, May,2006.

Day1, Tuesday morning at 8.30 the session started with general sessions by Java CEO and other leading technical people.
Sun is planning to release Java to OpenSource. The question was asked like this. Wheather Sun plans to release Java to OpenSource and it was answered that it is not WHEATHER, but HOW. That shows Java is going to be available to OpenSource. Still they need to work out the existing licence and compatability issues. Thanks Java.

General sessions insisted everyone to join and Motorola CEO predicts mobile applications will be taking the ride in coming 10 years using Java. Linux Unbuntu and Java are availble in desktop in China and South Africa.

Motorola device won Duke's best Music device award.

Marc Fleury, CEO of JBoss was not willing to talk about JBoss and Redhat merge, but he informs that they are not decided about the name. Either name can be REDBOSS or JHAT!!!

Some of the annouements on Day1

Java EE 5.0 is available to production.

JMS goes to OpenSource.

Project Tango was renamed WSIT and that goes to OpenSource.

BPEL engine moved into OPENESB.

All OpenSource products will be named under Open Java EE.

After the general sessions, attended EJB 3.0 session. It is very nice and gave nice details about EJB feature.

Second session was Essential Lessons for Distributed Caching. It was from Tagosol CEO. It is very nice and in detail.

Third session was Concurrent collection utilities in Java SE 5.0.

Fourth session, TestNG which is alternate to JUnit

Fifth session is Portlet 2.0 with JSR 286. With JSR 286, it looks like we will have event for portlets and render parameter for portlet.

I left at 6.30pm to my hotel.

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