Thursday, March 30, 2006

Java Feature: Putting a Face on Web Services and SOA

Java Feature: Putting a Face on Web Services and SOA
— Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a hot topic among analysts, CIOs, and technology marketers, but the path from high-level architectural principles to programming a functioning, real-world service isn't always clear, especially since, in the end, you still need to create a clean user interface that's as flexible as the services it consumes.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g, a standalone product from Oracle, enables a secure, high quality, easy-to-use search across all enterprise information assets. Key features include:

* The ability to search and locate public, private and shared content across Intranet web-servers, databases, files on local disk or on file-servers, IMAP email, document management systems, applications, and portals
* Highly secure crawling, indexing, and searching
* A simple, intuitive search interface leading to an excellent user-experience
* Excellent search quality, with the most relevant items for a query shown first, even when the query spans diverse public or private data sources
* Analytics on search results and understanding of usage patterns
* Sub-second query performance
* Ease of administration and maintenance leveraging your existing IT expertise

Spring with JPA in WebLogic

Using the Java Persistence API with Spring 2.0 by Seth White -- The Java Persistence API (JPA) and the version 2.0 release of the Spring Framework form a powerful combination. Author Seth White uses an updated version of BEA WebLogic Server's medical records sample application to show how Spring 2.0 and JPA can be used with WebLogic Server.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Realtime Validation with Ajax

Greg Murray's Blog talks about Realtime Validation with Ajax with examples. With the same examples, he talks about Internationalization (i18n). He further says that Internationalization (i18n) is easy if we are using AJAX and Java. Both Java and JavaScript have i18n capabilities though it is not obvious how to use those capabilities are not from an i18n background.

Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern

Nice article about Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern by Martin Fowler

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mid-tier Two Phase commit to Oracle

This article explains how to do a Two-Phase commit to Oracle databases with Oracle App Server.

It has got source code and code snippet.

Friday, March 10, 2006

JavaScript Recommendations for AJAX Component Writers
Author: Greg Murray

With AJAX there are many choices on how to use different aspects of JavaScript. This document proposes some recommendations for developers creating AJAX components with a focus on using JavaScript on the client and Java on the server. Many of these recommendations will carry over to other server-side technologies.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hermes - JMS explorer

Hermes is a Swing application that allows you to interact with JMS providers. Hermes will work with any JMS enabled transport making it easy to browse or seach queues and topics, copy messages around and delete them. It fully integrates with JNDI letting you discover administered objects stored, create JMS sessions from the connection factories and use any destinations found. Many providers include a plugin that uses the native API to do non-JMS things like getting queue depths (and other statistics) or finding queue and topic names.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Eclipse Tips: Managing Eclipse Plugins

I was looking for how to keep multiple Eclipse plugins and workspace when upgrade Eclipse to newer version.

I found following two nice blog entries. Both blogs explain how to retain multiple plugins when you upgrade to New version of Eclipse.

From Colin's Blog

From Vasanth Blog

Spring Web Flow 1.0 EA Released

Spring Web Flow (SWF) 1.0 EA has been released.

Spring Web Flow is a product of the Spring community focused on the definition and execution of page flow within a web application.

Read more information from TheServerSide also

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Clustering JSR-168 Portlet Applications in Tomcat

Clustering JSR-168 Portlet Applications in Tomcat
John A. Lewis

In this article, Unicon Software Architect John A. Lewis discusses how to use Tomcat 5.5, mod_jk 1.2, Apache 2.0 and Pluto 1.0.1 to construct a functioning Tomcat cluster that will properly replicate portlet session information.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Awk with Java

Jawk is an Awk implementation written in Java. It also augments Awk
such that Awk scripts can access Java services, such as Threads,
Sockets, etc. Java 1.5 is required. Go to to download the executable jar
file (jawk.jar).

Jawk is a combination of Awk and Java such that Awk scripts can utilize
Java services. That is, you may now contruct Awk scripts
- that have GUI front ends (via AWT or Swing).
- that can connect to servers via Sockets.
- that can utilize Java Security libraries.
- that can access databases via JDBC.
- that are multithreaded.

This is all achieved with a natural expansion of Awk syntax and
semantics, along with some additional keywords and operators. However,
the overall flavor of the scripts are still Awk.

Jawk implements as much of Awk as it can. I tried keeping it in line
with Awk standard set forth by The Open Group

Go to and click on Overview for more

Friday, March 03, 2006

Bad Sql

Following SQL will help you to find bad SQL Statements in Oracle.

SELECT disk_reads, executions,
disk_reads/DECODE(executions, 0, 1, executions) "READS_PER_EXEC",
FROM v$sqlarea
WHERE executions > 10
ORDER BY executions desc

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Weblogic Web Services With Spring Framework

Blog by Matt Luce explains the problem faced to implement this with reference to Dev2Dev article.

Recently, I was trying to connect to a web service with the Spring Framework JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean. The web service and client code were generated with the weblogic servicegen and clientgen ant tasks respectively.

I found this example on the dev2dev site:

Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. I spent almost an entire day trying to get it to work.

Eclipse WebLogic Plugin

Debugging WebLogic Server Applications Using Eclipse and the WebLogic-Plugin by Jeremy Whitlock -- The WebLogic-Plugin is a successful CodeShare project you can use to deploy and debug applications on the Eclipse IDE. In this article, Jeremy Whitlock introduces the plugin.