Friday, September 23, 2011

Oracle 11G with RAC on Windows Laptop - Guide

I was wake up by production call today @4:30am, but call ended in 10mins. Decided to read something from Oracle List and found message about RACATTACK event in Oracle OpenWorld OTN Lounge
Further checking on Google found, this is Group which takes your Laptop with Windows and install Oracle RAC with VMWWARE. That allow us to play around.

They have created very nice Step-by-Step instructions with Detail Screenshots in the following link.

from RACATTACK on Wikibook.

I haven't tried this, but Information is very nice and details.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Incremental Optimizer Statistics Gathering in 11g

Writing this blog entry after long time. At work we are upgrading to 11g. We have one of the biggest table with 2Billion records with Partition and Subpartitions. This accessed by reporting tool. For better performance we analyze each partition (each will have close to 130,000,000 records). Estimate with 50% will do FTS and

130,000,000 Million / 2 (for 50% Estimate) = 65,000,000 Million.

AVG_ROW_LEN = 1400 bytes

Total Temp Memory required to analyze with 50% Percent is
65,000,000 * 1400 bytes = 91,000,000,000 bytes

This is close to 85GB

We need 85GB Temp space exclusively for this process. If there is any other process run in parallel, Analyze job fail due to insufficient TEMP space.

11G has cool feature.

We need to have
This new feature in database 11g could be most useful, especially for large partitioned tables.

Gathering global statistics for a partitioned table would typically require a FTS of all table rows, even when only rows for a few partitions have changed. Using the INCREMENTAL=true setting global statistics can be gathered by scanning only the partitions that have changed.

Oracle® Database Performance Tuning Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) Incremental Statistics Gathering

The requirements for enabling incremental statistics gathering:

* The INCREMENTAL value for the partitioned table is true.
* The PUBLISH value for the partitioned table is true.
* The user specifies AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE for ESTIMATE_PERCENT and AUTO for GRANULARITY when gathering statistics on the table.

That may in turn lead to questions as to what the PUBLISH value for a table is. Prior to 11g when gathering statistics they are immediately "published" for use, in 11g one can gather statistics and choose to not have them published immediately but rather do so at some later time. An example might be gathering statistics across a number of tables and/or table partitions and then publish them all at once when it's desirable to do so. See:

Private Statistics Using DBMS_STATS in 11g (Doc ID 567683.1)

Some examples here as well:

Statistics Collection Enhancements in Oracle Database 11g Release 1

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Afer long time !!!!

To break the silence after long time, I posting this entry which I read today.
I got this reference arcticle while I was reading TomKyte blog.
This link talks about How data was maintained in California DMV in 1972.
It shows what happens when best practice was not followed to maintain data.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

An Introduction To Servlet 3.0

An Introduction To Servlet 3.0
Nice article by Deepa Sobhana at for Servlet 3.0 feature compared with Servlet 2.5. Code snippets comparision very good approach in this article.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

WebLogic Workshop - Custom Project Template

In WebLogic Workshop 9.1 and above, we can create following directory structure create custom EAR application, which can be used under Eclipse.

Best Practices from (

# Use the same source directory structure with your own J2EE application projects, so you can utilize the WebLogic Server build scripts to compile and deploy your applications. The following summarizes the contents of a simple source directory that follows the WebLogic split development directory structure format:










Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Switch to OpenOffice - FREE

Tired of buying Microsoft Office software everytime. Are you spending too much money to buy Microsoft Office?

Time to say Final Goodbye to Microsoft Office.

Sun donated OpenOffice to public.

It is FREE and replacement to MICROSOFT OFFICE.

Here is the link.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Spring 2.0 - Rod Johnson Presentation

Rod Johnson, Founder of the open source Spring Framework, Author of J2EE without EJB
Topic: Spring 2.0 and Beyond

In this presentation, recorded at TSSJS 2007, Rod Johnson details the improvements made to the Spring 2.0 framework. Spring 2.0 introduced major enhancements in the Spring Framework making it both simpler to use and more powerful. In this session, Rod discusses some of the enhancements through code examples, focusing on: - Extensible XML configuration, support for dynamic languages in the Spring component model, and support for JPA.

Oracle - Shared Server

I got blog pointer from Jonathan Lewis about Oracle Shared Server

This is well written by Howard Rogers. Here is info from Jonathan Lewis, Oracle Scratchpad.

This item from Howard Rogers sums up the shared server technology (formerly multi-threaded server, or MTS) so well that I decided it was worth a special mention.